pain management

Joint & Muscle Injections

Ease pain and function, move, and live better

Unresolved Pain?

neck injuries photoIf you are having some stubborn areas of your body that aren't responded to conservative methods, and you're considering surgery or pain medication, we might be able to help.

Prolotherapy Therapy

We've started offering Prolotherapy (proliferation therapy). Prolotherapy is a therapy in which an irritant is injected into a chronic injured area which stimulates the inflammatory cascade to renew to have further healing of areas like:

  • Patellar Arthritis
  • Rotator Cuff
  • TMJ (tempo-mandibular joint)
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Golfer's Elbow
  • Jumper's Knee

  • We're also offering Hyuluronic Injections for Knee Meniscus Injuries. This helps to support the cartilage of the knee to decrease pain and improve function.

    We offer a variety of different options for Prolotherapy depending on your unique needs and price range.

    Platelet Rich Plasma - One of our most powerful tools is PRP in which we draw your blood, run it through a centrifuge to separate the contents then extract the Platelet Rich part of your blood then inject that into your injured area. Here's a video of the procedure:

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    Performed By

    Thomas Headshot

    Misty Ford

    Want to Learn More?